We are in the National Geographic and Booking.com rankings!
We are on the National Geographic and Booking.com rankings as trending destinations and beautiful beaches!
Nuevo Nayarit leads the list of trendy national destinations for 2024 according to the National Geographic and Booking.com rankings. For the latter, it’s the perfect place for your next adventure. Meanwhile, NatGeo places Playa Escondida among the 40 most beautiful beaches in the world.
According to Booking, ‘45% of the Mexican traveler community will want to spend their vacation in a destination near the water during the next year.’
They also mention that: ‘Cancun has always been one of the favorite tourist destinations for domestic tourism. However, for the next year, places like Nuevo Nayarit and Puerto Escondido will prevail as trends, as they offer different attractions with costs for all budgets.‘
Similarly, the prestigious National Geographic Traveler magazine recently conducted a ranking of the 40 most beautiful beaches in the world.
In it, it places Playa Escondida, located in Bahía de Banderas, at number 25. This list is shared with beaches like Bora Bora in Tahiti and other beauties around the world. Also included in the count is Tulum, the majestic beach with ruins of the Mayan culture located in the state of Quintana Roo.
Playa Escondida, also known as Playa del Amor, is part of an archipelago called the Marietas Islands. If you’re interested in learning more, we invite you to read our article: https://visitnayarit.travel/en/blog-nayarit-en/the-marietas-islands-a-hidden-archipelago-for-love/.